Caffè Smart: the coffee break in the time of Smartworking
Caffè Smart: the coffee break in the time of Smartworking
At the beginning of last year, most of us began to interface with a new type of work : Smartworking or, as we Italians call it, smart working.
Initially we all thought it was a temporary thing, but it wasn't. During the year, many companies found an ally and a new opportunity to reconcile work with the new rhythms of life in this form of work.
We had to readapt our daily lives to the historical context. In a short time we have created small offices , small workstations in our homes . We have tried as much as possible to bring the habits we had at work into our homes, including the coffee break !
Here are some tips to make your Smartworking better:
1- Make sure you have a good workstation : the height of the desk, the comfort of the chair and the lights will prevent eye and lumbar discomfort. Good posture is essential not only at work but also at home!
2 – Give yourself the timetables : respect the timetables you followed in the office as well. Give yourself the right amount of time for your lunch break by not eating in front of your computer .
3 – Include your colleagues in the coffee break : the coffee break serves not only to relax and rest the mind, but also to socialize and discuss with one's colleagues! Don't just have meetings on Zoom and Meet, but also try to take a coffee break to recreate the famous break with colleagues at the coffee machine!
4 – Many researches show that the coffee break helps to increase productivity and concentration . Choose a quality coffee that can keep up with your rhythms and give you the right boost. The perfect choice is the Intenso blend by Mokito , available in a ground version, coffee beans or in comfortable capsules compatible with Nespresso or Dolcegusto !