Cialde miscela Intenso da 100 - Mokito
Cialde miscela Intenso da 100 - Mokito
Cialde miscela Intenso da 100 - Mokito

Intense Blend Pods Pack 100

Regular price€35,96
Tax included.

Body 3.0 rating
Aroma 5.0 rating

0.2kg / 10 x 10 x 24cm

Pack of 100 Intense blend coffee pods. They encapsulate all the excellence of Mokito's fine Intenso blend.

For those seeking a coffee that releases energy and character, Intenso is Mokito's perfect blend. An ideal companion for tackling daily tasks with vigor.


  • Each pod contains 7g net of coffee;
  • Produced in the plant at Via della Billona, 217 - Monte S. Quirico (LU), Italy.